Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have finally managed the over 18 on Red Square

19.695 seconds, baby! Yeah!

See if you can beat that!, post times in comments, and i'll be wanting proof

Monday, February 16, 2009

WuW, Teleportation, and Invisbility Cloaks

Now not many of you will have heard of this, but WuW is a new technology from some geeky dudes in a basement who need to get themselves a girlfriend, or a hobby...

Yep, those freaks at MIT have come up with Wear Ur World (hence WuW) in a freaky sci-fi move towards the future. It enables you to project a screen similar to Microsoft's Surface, but onto anything and then allows you to manipulate it, with your hands. but unlike the Surface, you don't have to carry around a 3 metre wide table, a large projector and some special paint. They have made it with simple stuff like a webcam, a mobile projector and a mobile phone. How cool is that? You can draw a circle on your wrist and it projects a clock. Bugger watches, i thought the belt-driven Tag Watch was geeky...

Second in our future-themed post is teleportation. This one i'm not so sure what actually happened cos it was all a bit too scientific for me. You should see these formulae. But i think they managed to like move an alpha particle in one piece or something without it looking like a charcoal-grilled turnip. Yay, i guess???

Last up, invisibility. No, i am not getting all Harry Potter on you. Someone rather actually manged to make a mirror with a lump in the middle, and then blast it with all kinds of freaky lights and rays, and it looked like it was flat. Awesome, now the world will be so much better now that we can make all those bloody bumpy mirrors look flat again. Hmmmmm...

Now wouldn't that be a new level of geekdom. Drawing pictures of bumpy mirrors on thin air, then teleporting them to the Bahamas...

If you are wondering why i used the Bahamas, its because i have just found out that i have visitors from the Bahamas!

Monday, February 2, 2009

We're being invaded!

There are now more visits coming to this site from the USA than from Australia. OMG!!

There are now 10 different countries sending me visits, including Bulgaria, and , South Korea... Right...

There are even 18 different cities in the USA alone. Worrying...