Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Problems with following this blog

It's fixed!
(Makes you feel so much better when you say that!)

Now it is possible to follow this (great, if i don't say so myself) blog without it returning an "ERROR 400"
Turns out the problem was with the Blog Title, you may notice that it now reads _-_-_-Ferret_-_-_-_Tech-_-_-_, rather than the old (and arguably better) Ferret ||| Tech. The problem lay in the URL Arguments in the link. It won't accept anything except English letters and spaces.
Turns out the same problem happens if you have a blog title partially in Chinese, or Icelandic. Wonderful! Totally needed to know that. I was going to put my title in Icelandic characters. Won't do that ...

Anyway, you can now click Follow this Blog and show your unbridled love and affection for Yours truly, the BlogMaster of the Universe.

Okay, the love and affection is optional, especially if you're a male...


Jackson said...

Haha, it's funny because no one follows your blog anyway.

freddi said...

Haha, it's funny because you're still posting comments, so you obviously do...

Jackson said...

No you shut up.

I don't much care for Blogger's "Followers" feature. I use Google Reader.