Wednesday, January 14, 2009

PlayStation Three Ups and Downs


1. Frankly incredible graphics
It is just disturbing sometimes, gaming shouldn't be this real
2. PSP Inter-operability
Every PSP Owners dream. Jack into his PS3 (now wirelessly) and do stuff. Whether its unlock gaming stuff on either console, be able to play media off the PS3 on the PSP, or just operate the Three with the P through Remote Play. Genius!
3. DualShock 3
The new controller is f***in awesome. Vibrations are now more in-depth, rather than on-off. Motion sensors allow new levels of control, the PS button makes everything easier and wireless controllers mean you can play things from the next room. Goodie!
4. XMB
The Cross Media Bar (XMB) Firmware is uncannily familiar to any PSP owner and it works just so well
5. Finish
Gloss black, curved frontplate, with touch controls, and a finish that makes it the gaming equivalent of Jessica Alba is awesome.

1. Finish
It's freakin huge! Heavy too...
2. Cost
It's expensive, and games are up to $120 each. Thank God for Christmas presents...
3. uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Can't think of anything else. It's just awesome...

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