Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have begun using Google Analytics after the disastrous lack of usability from my last Traffic Analysis Host, and so i have discovered a couple of useless but nonetheless interesting things about the traffic to my site, in particular about my readers browsers habits:
1. Chrome is the most used browser
Chrome holds the lead with an impressive 63% of my traffic, Firefox holds 25%, and IE a lone 12%.

2. Chrome users tend to stay longer, Firefox users return more often
Chrome users make up most of the new visits, whereas Firefox kicks ass at the returning visitors. Chrome users have 73.68% of the time spent on my site, Firefox 26.32%, and IE somehow has 0.00% of the average time on the site (?). Just 28% of my readers bothered to dig through my old posts (i.e. continue away from the landing page), the other 71-odd percent only reading the one page.

3. You are not all in Australia
In fact, all but one of you are in Brisbane, but someone visited my site from, wait for it, Ireland. That's right,a Paddy in Dublin actually looked me up. They were (funnily enough) a new visitor, but they were actually following me up after i commented on his blog, Oscar and Friends.

4. You guys spend more time on here than Average Joe
But you don't go as far into the site!

5.You all speak English
Kind of a given, but not all the same language. All but one of you are using en-us, but one of the Brisbanites has changed to en-gb. Odd...

6. Only 15% of you have widescreens
Just 14.29% of my traffic was running at 1280x800, the other 85.71% was using 1280x1024. Primitive.

7. You are spread across four different ISPs
42% use powertel limited, almost 30% use telstra, 14.2% use optus, and our resident Irishman uses ntl communications (Ireland) ltd

8. You come from all over the place
14% of you came from my other blog, the rest came from Google, Blogger, directly, or in the case of our favourite Irishman Oscar, from his own blog.

9. Connection speeds
43% of you use the speed referred to as T1, the other 57% weren't recognised. Probably too slow for our high standards.

10. You're an odd bunch.
No scientific backing here, just my instinct.

UPDATE: My blog is becoming truly international! I now have visitors from Hoboken, New Jersey, as well as from Orange Park, Florida (both came from google searches), and also from Danderyd, Sweden (this is actually our very own Irishman Oscar, but now hes in Sveden, probably driving a volvo, and listening to Abba CD's).

UPDATE II: We now also have a visitor from Singapore. Again from a google search using the keywords:
how to change to snipe in socom navy seals tactical strike in psp
Not going to find that here!


Anonymous said...

Haha, welcome to the world of Analytics! This is what can keep you up at nights, the deeper you get into the world of Analytics, the more addictive you shall become, trust me!

I think you will become positively surprised if you check countries again, being the Irishman on NTL, I'm now in Sweden on Bredbandsbolaget, more statistics! :)

I love that your blog is 'showing more Chrome potential' than my own, seems like people in the tech world are more savvy than my average Joe visitor!

Oh, and thanks for the mention!

freddi said...

Oh come on Oscar, how could i not mention that i get visitors from as far away as Ireland and now Sweden!

But you're right, you just keep digging away , going further into Google Analytics, discovering new and unknown things about the ragtag bunch of people reading my blog...

Thanks for the comment, and keep up the great work on your blog.