Magicians the world over should take a quick look at the gaming world. More specifically, they should take a look at what's not there ...... the magical disappearing PSP!
I could be the only one noticing this (it wouldn't be the first time), but i have to wonder what's going on. Just to clear things up, i'm not saying that all those true geniuses who put their hard-earned cash into one of these über-machines is going to spend the next 2 weeks wandering around the house thinking 'Where the f*** did i put that thing?!'. (<--Check that out for a punctuation string!) No, i'm saying that the shops and the retailers and probably Sony have completely forgotten about that shiny, little handheld. Among the PS3, Xbox 352 or whatever it is (yes, i'm a Sony man), the Nintendo DS (like that's a Spring Chicken!), or the Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii there's just no more space for the PSP. I opened a series of 4 different catalogues, Hardly Normal, Big V, L Mart, and Mick Smith Electronics. Each had a double page spread just for games and consoles, and yet 2 of them had no mention, one of them was advertising only a console, and the last had console, plus your choice of three games. My God! Three! That would be fine if on the same page there hadn't been 15 Singi'mnotreallymuchofaStar games, 12 Buzz! games, at least 10 other PS3 titles, probably 12 Xbox 127 games, 15 DS games, and 12-ish Wuuuuuuuuuuuuu games.
Yes, so the PSP is getting on and a replacement should be expected. (Rumours suggest a March 2009 replacement, but i don't think so), but the PSP 3000 facelift/butt-tuck has just been released and there's still plenty of people who are going to want UMD games. But even if you're going to say its too old. The Nintendo DS has been around for a full year longer than the PSP (February 2004 compared to March 2005) and there still trying to flog all those left-over flippy pieces of smoking turd to any idiot who walks into their store...
Shops may be rejecting it in favour of its high-powered big brother the PlayStation 3, but in case nobody had noticed, I don’t see any hugely capable, hugely successful, and incredibly popular Xbox 429 Portable variants…
We are back!
13 years ago
IN my opinion the only reason that the PSP is being neglected is the lack of new games for it. The next Tekken game will not be released on the PSP and Tekken is a staple franchise for the PSP. There is no news of a GTA PSP Game and the next GTA will be released on the DS. So the only reason for the neglect of teh APS is the lack of games...and the fact that it is not very good for anything but boring fighting games.
Are you kidding me?
The current Tekken game is pretty awesome, and you can't say that Tekken is a staple franchise for the PSP, there are too many of the sponsored/launch titles, and too many continuing series, and too many PSP-exclusive games for that to happen.
As for GTA on PSP, there are already two of them, and VCS and LCS are both very good games, although i hadn't heard about the next GTA going to DS (that should be interesting).
Lastly, anything but boring fighting games. I can only think of two: Tekken and Dynasty Warriors. Tekken is not a personal favourite (in fact, i hate it), but Dynasty Warriors is far from boring. it is one of the most intense and fast-paced games i've played.
Have you never heard of Pursuit Force, Need For Speed, Burnout, SOCOM, Harry Potter, all PSP continuing series. On top of this, there are all of the other more singular games: LocoRoco, Lemmings, GTA, Syphon Filter, Coded Arms, Juiced and so many others its innumerable...
There are bigger problems than a lack of games.
(Oh, and by the way, the PSP doesn't need GTA, it's better than that, and GTA is starting to lose it. Hell, even on PS3, Saints Row is better...)
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